The “Leave No Trace” Seven Principles for Paddlers
Low-impact techniques for enjoying the wilderness while preserving it for others to enjoy. “Alas! how little does the…
Low-impact techniques for enjoying the wilderness while preserving it for others to enjoy. “Alas! how little does the…
The ‘philosophy of safety’ outlined here will set a beginning paddler on a smart and swift course of…
Author: David SeidmanCopyright 2000, International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press, ISBN-10: 0071362371, 160 pages Just as with many novice kayakers,…
Honing our wilderness first-aid skills “Be great in act, as you have been in thought.”William Shakespeare I took…
Detailed trip guides for some of the finest Great Lakes kayaking destinations. Trip outlines with maps, photos, route details, planning resources, and more!